Friday, August 12, 2022

Rules for the road when the school buses roll out!

 With the start of school just around the corner remember the rules of the road. These safety tips about buses on the highway are important as we share the road with the big yellow vehicles.

Keep our kids and drivers safe by stopping when we need to and following the rules.

Here is some important information from the Summit County Sheriff's Office. 

Thanks to the Summit County Sheriff's Department

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Springfield and Lakemore kids are ready!

Colt got his backpack!

Today was the annual backpack giveaway for the Springfield School District and there was a nice crowd getting their start for school.

The Springfield Cares organization created the event and does it annually. They usually have 500 backpacks to give out and most of them get passed out on backpack giveaway day. Some go to the schools for those that might need some help for school supplies. Today they gave out more than 350 backpacks.

Lining up for a backpack at the Municipal Building in Lakemore

Springfield Cares helps the Springfield Lakemore communities in many ways, and this is a popular event. 

They also donate to events in the community and host Christmas for more than 60 families each year that need a hand at the holidays. To become a volunteer with the group or donate call Nancy at 330-322-8999.

Today the kids and parents had plenty of smiles on their faces. Thanks to all those who volunteered, donated and make it all possible for our kids of the Springfield School District.

Womens club has another sucessful craft show!

                  The ladies of Springfield Township W omen's Club just held their annual craft show. They have been serving up great fo...